Green–Winged Teal (Anas Carolinensis, Gmel) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game… Image from public domain licenseAmerican Coot, from the Game Birds series (N13) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands Image from public domain licenseMallard Duck (Anas Boschas) Male illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds and… Image from public domain licenseKing Rail (Rallus Elegans, Aud) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds and… Image from public domain licenseRing–Necked Pheasant, Female (Phasianus Torquatus) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937)… Image from public domain licenseRock Ptarmigan, from the Game Birds series (N13) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands issued by Allen & Ginter, George S.… Image from public domain licenseMale brook trout (Salvelinus Fontinalis). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of… Image from public domain licenseYellow or Barred Perch (Perca Americana). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of… Image from public domain licenseRed Snapper (Neomaenis Blackford). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licenseStriped Bass( Roccus Lineatus). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licenseSmall-Mouthed Black Bass( Micropterus Dolomieu). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and… Image from public domain licenseCalico Bass; Strawberry Bass (Pomoxys Sparoider LAC). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds… Image from public domain licenseCanadian Red Trout. Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North America by… Image from public domain licenseLake Trout (Cristivomer Namaycush). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licenseAtlantic Salmon ( Salmo Salar). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licenseMale Land Locked Salmon or Quananiche ( Salmo Salar Sebaqo Girard). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition… Image from public domain licenseWeak-Fish or Squeteacue (Cynoscion Regale). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes… Image from public domain licenseRock Bass (Ambloplites Rupestris). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licensePickerel (Lucius Reticulatus. Le Sueur from a pond in Massachusetts). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition… Image from public domain licenseBonito ( Sarda Sarda). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North America by… Image from public domain licenseSea Bass (Centropristes Striatus). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licensePike( Lucius Lucius). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North America by… Image from public domain licenseMaskalonge (Lucius Ohiensis; Kirtland). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of… Image from public domain licenseBullhead; (Amiurus Nebulosus). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licenseBluefish (Pomatomus Saltatrix). Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and Fishes of North… Image from public domain licenseWoodcock (Philohela Minor) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds and Fishes… Image from public domain licenseBaldpate (Anas Americana, Gmel) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds and… Image from public domain licenseThe Greater Yellow Legs (Totanus Melanoleucus) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from… Image from public domain licenseWoodduck Female (Aix Sponsa, Swainson) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds… Image from public domain licenseSpruce Grouse (Dendracapus Canadensis) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds… Image from public domain licenseWoodduck Male (Aix Sponsa, Swainson) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds… Image from public domain licenseQuail (Colinus Viginianus, Linnaeus) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds… Image from public domain licenseMallard Duck (Anas Boschas) Female illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds and… Image from public domain licenseThe Canvasback Duck (Aythya Vallisneria) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game… Image from public domain licenseBlue–Winged Teal (Anas Discors, Linn) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds… Image from public domain licenseWilson's or English Snipe (Gallinago Media, Wilsoni) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937)… Image from public domain licenseRuffed Grouse Partridge [Bonasa Umbellus (Linn.)] illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from… Image from public domain licenseThe American Golden Plover (Charadrius Dominicus) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from… Image from public domain licenseThe Dowitcher (Macrorhamphus Griseus) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds… Image from public domain licenseSora (Porzana Carolina, Linn) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from Game Birds and… Image from public domain licenseThe Black–Bellied Plover (Squatarola Squatarola) illustrated by J.L. Ridgway (1859–1947) and W.B. Gillette (1864–1937) from… Image from public domain licenseRed Throat Black Spotted or Rocky Mountain Trout. Digitally enhanced from our own 1913 Portfolio Edition of Game Birds and… Image from public domain license